Friday, January 31, 2020

Family Tree - 325 people, 128 photos, & 392 historical records.

Bennett Family Tree Click here

You can view the Family Tree on if you logon as a guest.  Ask me for a link to our tree or just search by name.   If you don't want to register as a guest you can use Pop's logon.  Please remember to log off when you are finished.  Once inside you should click on TREES to find the Bennett Family Tree.

Use Pop's Logon:
Username = albertbenetsky
PW= hixsville1919  - This is not the actual password if you know the Bennetts you will figure out the real one.
Bennett Family Tree Click here    then click on TREES

You will be allowed to view my tree as a guest for free.  If you need help send me a comment or an email.
Once inside you should click on TREES to find the Bennett Family Tree

Bennett Family Tree Click here

If you don't want to logon to Ancestry... here are a couple of old trees you can view without logging on:

Al Bennett Family Tree

Lillian Hodges Family Tree

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